Vantage Point Club


Starting: Coming Soon


Johannes Vermeer:
The Girl with the Pearl Earring 
and the Vermeer Forgeries

          In The Girl with the Pearl Earring, Dutch artist Johannes Vermeer is depicted as a scandal-laden artist. However, he is historically known as a culturally upstanding painter who created thirty-five masterworks that are focused on beautiful "expressions of love more than any other form of communication." However, the biggest scandal involving Vermeer is his name; inscribed onto eighteen “other” paintings by “one of the most ingenious art forgers of the 20th century.” Read More


Rodin's Mistress: 
The Silencing of Sculptress Camille Claudel

In Paris, during the 1880's and at the height of her career, French sculptress Camille Claudel produced hundreds of sculptures, most of which are assessed today as pure genius. But as her brazen love affair with sculptor Augusta Rodin came and went, all she could say, writing from an asylum, was this: "I hope my memoir will illustrate the heights of passion Rodin and I reached, and unravel the mystery of why they were transformed into vinegar and ashes." Read More


Rembrandt Van Rijn:

The Night Watch Painting and

Three Disquieted Women


Rembrandt's painting; The Night Watch is one of the most famous paintings of the Dutch Golden Age. Today, it appears to be the "fourth most viewed painting in the Western World, behind the Mono Lisa, the Last Supper, and the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel." But was this commissioned painting behind the fiscal demise of Rembrandt's entire artistic career?  Read More